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Magical Indians of Central America

!jenaro flores legero hacer tiro!

Paper, ink, 1997, 30 х 20 cm

The image illustrates the book of Florinda Donner-Grau "Being-in-Dreaming: An Initiation Into the Sorcerers' World".
Jenaro Flores had exceptional flexibility and coordination based on the full control of his energetic body. Using support of energy fibers protruding from the center of his energetic structure, he managed to do unbelievable tricks with his physical body. He was a magus, perfect dreamer, possessed a part of ancient magical knowledge of Toltec Indians, which has been divided in many specialized areas.
I was impressed by the story on how Florinda entered the kitchen, where Jenaro sat on the high bank crosslegged and peeled peanuts. In one moment he moved weight of the body on one hand and bended threw peanuts directly to the mouth of Florinda. She coughed and standing back of her don Juan beat her on the back with "Nagual hit" so she saw what is really going on.
The title says how easy Jenaro performs his unbelievable movements.



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