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Sacred song of Altai

triptych "rock carvings of altai"

Is in collection of International Center-Museum named after N.K.Roerich

The blue cow

Tempera on canvas. 2001. 60 x 45 cm

Solar hunting in the center of the World around Bay-Terek

Tempera on canvas. 2001. 75 x 75 cm

As the mare has rolled about, the winter has come

Tempera on canvas. 2001. 60 x 45 cm

In a triptych "Rock carvings of Atiai" I have tried to show connection between the Altai epos "Maadai Kara" and rock paintings found in Altai. The sign of the Center of the World and the Tree of Life, placed in the center of a composition, belongs to Pazyryk culture of Altai (approximately 1000 BC); to the same culture belongs the epos "Maadai Kara".



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